Our Products

We strive to provide the best service, competitive price and premium quality product to our foreign buyers, we also excel in procurement and supply of brands, which adds to the versatility of our range of offerings.


Our wide range of Spices include,

Herbal Products

Our wide range of Herbal Products include,

Imitation Jewelry

Our wide range of Imitation Jewelry include,

Pooja Samagri

Our wide range of Pooja Samagri include,

Regional Foods

Our wide range of Regional Foods include,


Our wide range of Papad include,


Our wide range of Khakras/Bhakris/Parathas include,


Our wide range of Bhakri include,

Stainless Steel – Kitchen Ware

Our wide range of Stainless Steel Products include,

House Holds Plastic things

Our wide range of House Hold Plastic items include,

Easy to Eat

Our wide range of Ready to Eat  include,

Festive Products

Our wide range of Festive Products include,

What People Say

Sed diam, egestas volutpat quam adipiscing consectetur condimentum in nisi, pulvinar nulla urna ut mauris pellentesque.

“Massa amet, at dolor tellus pellentesque aenean in eget massa tincidunt habitasse volutpat adipiscing sed id sit auctor eu vivamus nulla.”
Emma Hart
“Sed iaculis vel, tortor risus habitant in a auctor consequat proin fusce eu hac diam mattis nisl in lorem ornare.”
Bill Edward
“Neque ullamcorper interdum massa aliquet mauris, rhoncus sit sed nunc sed quam sem elit sed enim ultricies sit tortor, lacus, auctor risus porta.”
Mia Sophia
Dev ELite LLP has been the commercial hub for many FMCG companies. We would be more than happy to get associated with any importer around the world, you may drop your enquiries
Dev Elite LLP has been the commercial hub for many FMCG companies. We would be more than happy to get associated with any importer around the world, you may drop your enquiries